Finance Chromebooks and Student Devices with TEQlease Capital

As the 2020-21 school year approaches for schools across the nation and COVID19 is still looming with big questions about how the new normal will look. Schools are considering hybrid, fully remote, and in person options for their students learning careers. For those schools that are looking at hybrid and remote options, acquiring chromebooks and other student devices has become a necessity. Ensuring that all their students have the ability to continue furthering their education despite the state of the world currently.

The pandemic-induced need for technology is unfolding across the country. TEQlease Education Finance has the best leasing options for your school’s needs, specifically when it comes to chromebooks and other student devices. Our education reps work with you to get your school to get the financing that will work with your budget and goals for the upcoming year. We want to be here in your time of need with everything technology finance related. Learn more about TEQlease Education Finance by visiting our web site here or talk with one of our EDU reps by calling (844) 222-1006.