Finance the Equipment Your School Needs: TEQlease Can Help You Finance Modular Classrooms

Modular Classrooms are the best option when schools need more space. Portable classrooms and modular buildings are cost-effective building solutions to accommodate long-term and temporary classroom overcrowding problems. And with COVID19 proving to be an issue ongoing through the summer into the fall schools are looking for solutions to practice social distancing and are considering modular classrooms.

TEQlease provides financing for equipment, including removable modular buildings, to school districts, and other types of schools such as charters, privates, and religious schools. Right now, we are deferring payments for 90 days to help schools to make decisions. We understand that school budgets came through recently for the 2020-21 year and our reps are here to help achieve best-of-class lease financing options.

TEQlease Education Finance has a unique focus on providing solutions to educational institutions. Founded in 2000, the company is based in Calabasas, California. Learn more about TEQlease Education Finance by visiting our web site here or talk with one of our EDU reps by calling (844) 222-1006.