45 percent of Americans usually make New Year’s resolutions according to research from the University of Scranton and reported by Statistic Brain. However, by the end of January 64% of resolutions are still being kept but that number slips dramatically to 46% at the end of six months. But what about your business resolutions? Mike Maddox believes that business resolutions are essential for success and writes about them in his Forbes article “Ten Resolutions the Most Successful People Make and Then Keep.” Topping his list at number one and number two are:
#1 Spend more time on the not-to-do list. Strategy is the art of sacrifice. That’s why you may consider creating a larger clearing for what really matters by first identifying, and then avoiding, what matters the least. Your time is a treasure to be invested. Creating a list of things that you are not going to do, allows you to invest more of your treasured time on the few things that matter the most.
#2 Essential first, email second. What’s the first thing you do in the morning? For many of us, it is looking at email. We wake up with a renewed mind and spirit, ready to take on the world, and then we immediately allow ourselves to be distracted by an insignificant email. Instead, wake up, take on the most important task of the day, and then (and only then) hit the email.
Social Capitalism
Do you want your business to become one of the most admired in the next ten years? If so Gartner’s research says your business will need to change to being part of the “social capitalists”. Gartner reports in “Maverick* Research: Capitalism Goes Social, or How Technology Will Enable the 99% to Change Your Business Forever”:
CIOs and business leaders must understand how a new breed of social capitalists will exploit technology to disrupt their industry segments, according to Gartner, Inc. As the gap between the rich and the poor in developed economies grows, money, wealth and power are becoming increasingly concentrated in the hands of a small number of individuals — the “one percent” — while the other “99 percent” is increasingly using social media to collaborate, campaign and agitate against perceived inequities, leaving many management teams feeling under threat.
According to the research, “A key aspect of capitalism going social will be the use of social and mobile technologies by business to change the way it interacts with the 99 percent, bringing them inside the four walls of the enterprise to become part of the organization’s processes, rather than keeping it at arm’s length.”
“Capitalism going social is a reflection of the wider societal changes that are happening in the 21st century. These changes cannot be ignored, although their impact will vary by industry and organization. IT and business leaders must identify how soon their industries and companies will be affected by these changes,” said Nigel Rayner, research vice president at Gartner. “
The Death of the PC
Speaking of predictions, Business Insider predicts that by 2015, fixed PCs will be a small minority of Internet connected services. What’s the evidence? According to Business Insider’s research:
- PC Sales have been flat since 2009
- Smart phone sales are bigger than PC sales
- Growth in computer sales is from tablets
- More adults want to buy a tablet than a computer
- People who own iPads are using them more as time goes by
- Tablet sales will pass notebook sales this year
Will this prediction affect your future computing decisions?