Charter High School of the Arts, located in Van Nuys, California is known for academic excellence, social responsibility, self-expression, and life-long learning with integrated arts education to help students address broad curriculum themes and achieve robust habits. When COVID19 started to spread
rapidly, California schools were some of the first to shut down and adopt remote learning. The need for personal student devices sky rocketed when decision makers sent students home to learn. As this was occurring, TEQlease Education Account Executives began diligent work to get equipment financing to school districts in need, especially for student devices.
“TEQlease made it easy to finance the purchase of additional Chromebooks as the school transitioned to 1:1 devices at the start of the pandemic. I appreciated being able to connect to a person for support throughout the process” said Linda Pierce, Executive Director of CHAMPS. “I knew the timeline for CHAMPS was important, because students needed personal learning devices to stay on track for the rest of the 2020-21 school year” added Bruce Fornatoro, Senior Education Account Executive.
TEQlease Education Finance specializes in providing best-in-class equipment lease financing solutions for public, private, charter and religious schools across the United States. TEQlease Education Finance focuses on providing unparalleled service and on lowering acquisition finance costs, working with
customers and equipment vendors through the entire equipment acquisition financing process. TEQlease Education Finance is a division of TEQlease Capital, founded in 2000 in Calabasas, California. For more information, visit or call (844) 222-1006.