TEQlease Education Finance Team Completes iLEAD Schools Capital Equipment Financing Projects

iLEAD Schools, a charter school group based in Southern California, has completed several capital equipment projects for its schools. These included financing IT devices, playground equipment, school furniture and school fencing. “We’re proud to partner with the savvy and innovative team at TEQlease,” said Phil Oseas, Chief Financial Officer of iLEAD Schools Development. “Dana Andrada and the rest of the TEF team are very knowledgeable. We were able to negotiate the appropriate financing for these different projects, and TEF was able to work with our equipment vendors and help us acquire the equipment in a timely manner. One of our schools was a very new school but TEF was able to provide financing to this school as well.“

“iLEAD Schools is a preeminent, growing charter school group that has to multi-task several capital equipment projects as it opens, maintains and expands its schools in the face of growing student demand,” said Mike Lockwood, President of TEQlease Education Finance. “We customized four different financing solutions based on its needs, so that iLEAD Schools could acquire the equipment that is essential to educating its students.”

TEQlease Education Finance has a unique focus on providing solutions to educational institutions. Founded in 2000, the company is based in Calabasas, California. Learn more about TEQlease Education Finance by visiting our web site here