TEQlease Government Equipment Finance Provides Laptop Lease Financing to the City of Olympia, Washington Police Department

The City of Olympia Police Department is an innovative, full service law enforcement agency whose mission is to proactively address crime and reduce victimization, while safe guarding the constitutional rights of all people. On a daily basis, that purpose engages OPD employees in complex, challenging tasks that are constantly changing.  The City of Olympia, the capital of Washington state, is at the southern end of Puget Sound. The sprawling Washington State Capitol Campus, beside Capitol Lake, includes the stately Legislative Building and the 1909 Governor’s Mansion. On the downtown waterfront, Percival Landing Park has a boardwalk and public art.

TEQlease Government Equipment Finance financed OPD’s recent acquisition of semi-rugged laptops for 55 police Officers, to help ensure that OPD officers have the best and latest technology to better serve the city’s citizens.  The laptops were supplied and networked by Tukwila, Washington-based Datec Incorporated, a locally owned, leading provider for network and data solutions, and a premier value-added reseller.  Since 1975, Datec has served government and business customers throughout the Pacific Northwest.

“Police Chief, Rich Allen and Administrative Manager Jeanelle Stull led the implementation of this project on both the acquisition and financing side. They communicated clearly their objectives for the project as well as all budget restraints, so that the project could be completed timely and efficiently,” said Mike Zajac, TEQlease Education Finance Account Manager.

TEQlease Government Equipment Finance specializes in providing best-in-class equipment lease financing solutions for states, counties, cities, and special districts. TEQlease Government Equipment Finance focuses on providing unparalleled service and on lowering acquisition finance costs, working with customers and equipment vendors through the entire equipment acquisition financing process. TEQlease Government Equipment Finance is a division of TEQlease Capital, founded in 2000 in Calabasas, California. For more information, visit https://www.teqlease.com

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