TEQlease Education Finance Team Finances Technology for United Community School

United Community School, a charter school in Charlotte, North Carolina serving 178 students, has completed a lease financing with TEQlease Education Finance for chromebooks, Apple MacBooks, security equipment, carts, network infrastructure and projectors. “TEQlease is a good company to work with,” said Tim Hedgepeth, Operations Director for United Community School. “Erika Aguirre and the TEQlease Education Finance team worked very well with us. We structured the leases differently based on the type of equipment we were acquiring. TEF then worked with the vendors we had selected and paid for the equipment.”

“United Community School is a sought-after K-6 charter that intends to add a grade each year until it accommodates grades K-12. The school is growing and is committed to delivering technology in the classroom” said Mike Lockwood, President of TEQlease Education Finance. “We were able to help structure leases with multiple vendors and equipment types, so that the school could complete a total technology environment.”

TEQlease Education Finance has a unique focus on providing solutions to educational institutions. Founded in 2000, the company is based in Calabasas, California. Learn more about TEQlease Education Finance by visiting our web site here.